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Values in Action

Tikkun Olam תיקוּן עולָם

Social Justice: Repairing the World:

Call it justice or social action. At Rodef Sholom, we call it tikkun olam. We believe it is our responsibility to act – boldly and powerfully – to bring healing, dignity, justice and peace to our world. 

Repairing the world is central to everything we do, locally and globally. We will cross the street to help plant a school garden or protest an injustice across an ocean.  We instigate. We partner.  We recognize and stand up for the rights of others.  And we believe that our passion and dedication will change the world. 

As Rabbi Hillel said in the Talmud, “Love your neighbor, and love yourself. This is the whole Torah. All the rest is commentary.”


Social Justice Community Partnerships

Our valued partnerships with community organizations allow us to expand the scope and impact of our tikkun olam programs and service opportunities. 

Children for Change: Children for Change's mission is to empower youth to become global change-makers with the knowledge, confidence and empathy to make a positive impact in their world. They envision a just and inclusive world in which empathy, care, and social engagement are at the center of healthy communities. Rodef Sholom partners with Children for Change on family service opportunities as well as their Change 4 Good weekends out in the community.

Mitzvah Moments: Rodef Sholom's initiative to continue the work of fostering a community of chesed (lovingkindness) and connection through opportunities for all to make an impact in our world. We are meeting the moment we are in, and creating a range of opportunities for action, advocacy, and volunteering throughout the year. We invite all in our community to participate in any of the actions that speak to you, or to create your own meaningful ways of engaging with tikkun olam (repairing our world).

Mitzvah Day: Mitzvah Day is one of the crown jewels of Rodef Sholom's tikkun efforts. Marin's social service agencies have come to rely on the tremendous outpouring of love and labor from Rodef Sholom congregants every October and throughout the year. Save the date for Sunday, October 27 for Mitzvah Day 2024!

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785