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Mitzvah Day

At Rodef Sholom, we regularly participate in acts of tikkun (repair): tikkun atzmi (repair of our personal lives), tikkun kehillah  (repair of our community), and tikkun olam (repair of the world). Mitzvah Day is one of our crown jewels of our tikkun efforts. Marin's social service agencies have come to rely on the tremendous outpouring of love and labor from Rodef Sholom congregants every October and throughout the year.

Save the date for Mitzvah Day 2025: Sunday, October 26


For Families: Mitzvah Day is an amazing opportunity for your kids to learn about tikkun olam first-hand, through fun, engaging activities. Every small action can have a big impact!

For Adults: Mitzvah Day is a chance to participate in community-strengthening opportunities in a variety of ways. You are invited to participate in whatever way feels most meaningful to you (and you'll have the chance to connect with others in the process).

WHAT TO EXPECT: Plan on spending a fun and fulfilling day with your community. Whatever your interest or talent is—outdoor cleanup, blanket making, card-decorating, even (and especially!)
donating blood—your contribution is important!

Virtual and in-person opportunities abound for all ages!

What about mitzvahs the rest of the year?

Rodef Sholom creates year-round opportunities for congregants of all ages to strengthen our community through acts of mitzvot large and small, so you don't have to wait until October to join our tikkun olam efforts. Visit our Mitzvah Moments page, which has a range of opportunities for all ages to get involved! We regularly update this page with newactivities, so check back often. 
Take Me to Mitzvah Moments

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785