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Vote in the 2025 World Zionist Congress Elections

Vote Reform today in the 2025 World Zionist Congress Election for security and democracy in Israel.

Voting is open March 10-May 4, 2025


Please take a few minutes to participate in this powerful action in support of democracy, peace, and security in Israel. Your vote will send our Reform representatives to the 2025 WZC to represent you and your values as they set policies and a $5 billion budget. Voting Reform in the WZC is a vote for peace, pluralism, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights,
returning our hostages, and strengthening our Jewish communities.


*Once you have completed your voting, please send your emailed confirmation to, so we can keep track of community voting.


What is the World Zionist Congress?

The WZC is a democratically elected international body that helps decide the direction of Israel and World Jewry. It is essentially the “Parliament of the Jewish People.” It meets every 5 years. The WZC is an important, institutional way for Reform voices and values to have a real and impactful say in how Israel spends its money and treats its people. It is a right and a responsibility for Diaspora Jews to vote in this election.

The WZC  builds power by gaining influence over 5 billion dollars and 13% of the property in the land
of Israel. The more votes = the more delegates = the more power! We are fighting for control over the decisions and budgets of Israel’s major National Institutions:
• KKL (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund) - Land
• JAFI (Jewish Agency for Israel) – Caring for our people
• WZO (World Zionist Organization) – Identity

Important information for voters:

  • To vote, you must be Jewish, a U.S. resident aged 18 or older, and pay a $5 fee that covers the administrative costs of the election.
  • When you register, you will be sent a PIN to verify your identity when you vote. You will be asked where to send that PIN. We have found that the system works better when you choose SMS (text messaging) rather than email.
  • If you prefer not to vote online, you can print a paper ballot and mail it in.


Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785