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Kehillah: Small Groups

Building Community and Connection at Rodef Sholom -Formed by Congregants for Congregants

Kehillah Groups are intentionally created small groups, which create natural points of connection between like-minded adults in our community. Join a group that catches your eye, connect with others in the community, and have fun! Current Kehillah Group information is listed below. Kehillah Groups are open to everyone with priority given to congregants in good standing.  Please note that many groups have limited space.  

Got a great idea for a new Kehillah Group? The possibilities are endless, and we are here to support all lay leaders through the entire process, and help bring them to life! If you're interested in starting a Kehillah group, contact Moji at

Sign up for a Kehillah Group

Current Kehillah Groups

Interfaith Group for Empty Nesters
First meeting is on 3/30 from 2 - 4pm 
In person: RSVP HERE to join us or to add your name to our list for future programs

This new Kehillah (small group) for Rodef Sholom members who are empty nesters and identify as Interfaith and/or Multicultural. Our goal is to create connections between members that have the shared experience of different cultural backgrounds.  We hope to create a circle of involvement, activity and friendship. 

 I'M ME is a new Kehillah (small group) for Rodef Sholom members and their families that identify as Interfaith and/or Multicultural. Our goal is to create connections between members that have the shared experience of different cultural backgrounds. However you and your family identify, all are welcome at our gatherings. Families of school-aged children as well as young couples are welcome. 

Sign up here

NEW! Healthcare Connections
Meets Quarterly (next meeting dates are 4/30/25 & 6/11/25)

This new group for Rodef Sholom medical professionals to connect socially and professionally: Learn about Jewish medical ethics; share and learn about how others practice and keep up with newer procedures. All ages and all practices (doctors, nurses, medical techs, aids, pharmacists, Mental Health professionals and anyone working in the medical field) are welcome, whether retired, partially or fully practicing. Group will meet quarterly.  Email John Michael if interested or for more information.

NEW! Second Season Singles
Meets 1-2 times per month
Dessert Social, RSVP HERE

Are you a single member of our Rodef Sholom Community? Would you like to meet other singles in our community to socialize and create community with. Join this new social group, aimed at bringing together boomer singles. All are welcome, whether you are single by choice, divorce, or loss of a partner. Email to learn more.

Expand your social network and make new friends. Second Season Singles is not a dating service, but if you meet the right person, that’s a bonus. We’ll be planning one or two events each month. Examples may include: dinners out, pot-luck dinners, music venues, movies, shows, dancing, Trivia Night, swim parties, wine-tasting, hikes, and more! We are looking to help you connect with other singles in our community. 

The REAL Deal Women's Group
Attention Recent Empty Nesters: REAL is excited to partner with MeetMe to offer a six week community-building group for women who are about to enter or have recently entered the empty nest stage of life. We will share our experiences, learn tools and strategies, and support one another as we navigate this new phase.This interactive learning program is led by congregant Jennifer Golbus and her partner Jennifer Overboe of MeetMe life coaching. GROUP CURRENTLY AT CAPACITY; Registration no longer available.

Wounds Into Wisdom
A study group based on Rabbi Firestone’s work and book, Wounds into Wisdom. We will together explore the gifts and wounds of our ancestors and ancestry, the collective Jewish history and people, and how it all impacts ourselves, our families, and the world around us. This will begin in the Fall and will be facilitated by congregant Debbie Freed, who looks forward to sharing this healing journey with fellow travelers.

NEW! LGBTQIA+ Connections
Within Rodef Sholom is a vibrant LGBTQIA+ community. We say hello to each other at services or as we pass in the community, but, let’s get together to deepen our connections. Interested? Email Pat Goldman at or Eileen Levy at to sign up and learn more. 

Happy Trails
Are you happiest when your feet hit a new trail? Rodef Sholom’s Hiking Group meets at a local trail the last Sunday of every month at 9:30am. All ages are welcome to gather for monthly hikes of around 3-5 miles each, exploring our beautiful local landscapes. Led by Ralph Jacobson. To be on the contact list, email Ralph at

Canasta Meld Masters
Meets Each Tuesday, 1-3pm

Are you an avid Canasta player, or have you always wanted to learn? Pick up some of the finer points of the game and have some great conversations over cards. For more information, email Gail Berkowitz at

Female Boomers
All female-identifying individuals–age 50's- 60's-ish–who are already well-versed in the art of empty nesting will enjoy this group. Connect with peers and discover a greater sense of self in a low-pressure, fun environment! We will meet for eight sessions (a mix of online and outdoors in person gatherings; exact plan to be determined by the group).  

SF Giants Fan Club
All Rodef Sholom SF Giants fans: we may not agree on who our favorite player is but we can all agree that there’s nothing like our hometown heroes! Let’s get out to the ball field and cheer on our Giants. Led by Julie Austin. For more information, email

Rodef Rebels Co-ed Softball Team 
Rodef Rebels is our championship adult co-ed softball team that participates in the BATS (Bay Area Torah Softball)! Whether your preferred spot is in the stands or on the field, get in on the action. No experience needed. 18 and older. Full schedule to be shared with the team upon registration. Join our team today! Interested in cheering the team on from the stands? Check out the Rodef Rebels 2024 season calendar of upcoming games. For more information, email Mark Comin at

Men’s Spiritual Journey Group 
Come join this group to discuss such things as life journeys, religious backgrounds, differing relationships to God, Torah portions, roles as Jewish fathers, husbands or men, tzedakah, and our roles in Jewish or secular organizations.  For more information, please contact Mike Ralston ( or Steve Saxe ( Meets the second Monday of the month. See the calendar for dates.

Lawyers' Group
This Kehillah group is for Rodef Sholom attorneys , paralegals, and law students.  Events include speakers and discussions of a variety of topics. This group is led by Ralph Jacobson, and meets quarterly. Schedule to be determined by the group. For more information, email Ralph at

Wise Aging
Developed by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality (IJS). This initiative is designed to help participants explore the years beyond mid-life as a unique opportunity for growth and discovery. Each group will meet for eight sessions and will use discussion, teaching, support, and mindfulness to meet the social, spiritual and emotional needs of all participants within the group. New groups starting in the Fall. For more information, email

Day Time Book Groups*
All bibliophiles are invited to join for monthly noon book conversations. Participants take turns suggesting books that will be challenging or just simply a good read.  The group will delve into Jewish books and authors as well as new books and some classics, and discussions are lively and participatory.  Serious readers who would also like to have fun are welcome! This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at noon on Zoom, but may switch to in-person with lunch following.   
*Both groups are currently full; please reach out to if you'd like to start a new group.

Past Groups
Anti-Racist Parents
Artists Group 
Bikes and Bagels 
CASTE Book Discussion 
Elul Shabbat  
Group Spiritual Guidance
Kehillah Jam Group
Multi-Racial Families
Monday Mussar
Mussar for Those Affected by Cancer 
Mussar Exploration
People of Color/Jews of Color  
Racial Justice Study Group 
Rodef Sholom Song Circle
Sacred Song Circle
Songs of Shalom 
Sunday Mussar 
Understanding Israel
Women’s Walking 

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785