Junior Jews Shabbat
Junior Jews Shabbat happens on the first & third Fridays of each month at 5pm! We light candles together, enjoy songs and stories, and connect with Jewish community. Stay for a pizza dinner following. All Junior Jews gatherings will be at Congregation Rodef Sholom, unless otherwise noted.
Fall 2024 Dates:
Friday, September 6, 5pm
Friday, September 20, 5pm
Thursday, October 3, 1:30pm (Rosh Hashanah celebration)
Saturday, October 12, 1:30pm (Yom Kippur)
Friday, October 18, 5pm (Sukkot celebration)
Friday, November 1, 5pm
Friday, November 15, 5pm
Friday, December 6, 5pm
Friday, December 20, 5pm (Chanukah celebration)
Winter/Spring 2025 Dates:
Friday, January 3, 5pm
Friday, January 17, 5pm
Friday, February 7, 5pm
Friday, February 21, 5pm
Friday, March 7, 5pm (Jr. Jews Purim Celebration!)
Friday, March 21, 5pm
Friday, April 4, 5pm
Friday, April 18, 5pm (Jr. Jews Passover Celebration!)
Friday, May 2, 5pm
Friday, May 15, 5pm
Join our Jr. Jews Facebook Group!
Got older kids (ages 6-10ish)?
Join us every 4th Friday for Kid-ish Crew, led by Toby Pechner, our Director of Family Worship & Songleading!
Learn more about Kid-ish Crew
Holidays & Celebrations
We offer holiday programming with music, stories and snacks for children ages 0 through 6. Join us for High Holidays, Chanukah, Purim and more!
Baby Namings at Rodef Sholom
Please consider having a baby naming for your child during Friday night or Saturday morning Shabbat services. We welcome anyone in our community who wishes to have a Jewish baby naming or bris, and feel that baby namings and/or britot are a first step in helping to connect your child to a sacred community that will help lift your child and your family onto an active path of meaning and justice.
Email Laurie at laurie@rodefsholom.org and she can help you figure out what works best for your family.
For more Information & Resources