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CRS Immigrant Rights Team Survey

Immigrant Rights Team -- Will you partner with us?
Quick Survey: Your Feedback is Needed

The Immigrant Rights Team (IRT) of Congregation Rodef Sholom was established to support the immigrant community members who are in need. Congregation Rodef Sholom is a safe synagogue, committed to the support and well-being of our Marin community. Our Immigrant Rights Team came together in 2016 when Rodef Sholom members wished to take substantive action to advocate for, educate about, and take action to support immigrants in our community.

If you are interested in joining our team efforts, volunteering in any way, or simply wish to be kept posted, your feedback is needed.

Responses will be used only by the Immigrant Rights Team.

Thank you for your support!

The next series of questions show some volunteer areas that might interest you.

Are you interested in Advocacy, Accompaniment, and/or Team Support?

Do you have special skills you would like to share?

Marin Rapid Response Network trains community members to serve as legal observers to immigration enforcement actions (e.g. recording or writing notes reflecting an enforcement action that you witness).

Know Your Rights: Understanding legal rights for you/your workplace and the immigrant community.

The best way to reach me is at the following:

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785