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Create a Legacy

What does it mean to create a legacy? 

Legacy or planned giving is another way to give to the community beyond your lifetime, to strengthen future generations to come.

Please consider expressing your commitment to our community, and securing the future of our congregation for our children and generations to come, by including Congregation Rodef Sholom in your estate plans. You can provide Rodef Sholom’s future by making the synagogue a beneficiary of any of the following:

  • A simple bequest in your will – for a set dollar amount or a percentage of the residual;
  • All or a portion of your individual retirement account (IRA);
  • A new or existing life insurance policy;
  • A charitable remainder trust.

Please consult with your tax advisor to determine the best way for you to include Congregation Rodef Sholom in your estate plans.

Legacy Circle

Congregants who have indicated their intention to make a legacy gift are invited to be a member of our Legacy Circle, a group of honored congregants whose generosity helps to ensure the future of our congregation. Legacy Circle members are invited to a special annual event and service.

For more information about planned giving options or the Legacy Circle, please contact Tracey Klapow, Executive Director,  All inquires will be held in strict confidence. 

To notify Congregation Rodef Sholom that you have made a provision in your estate plan for the synagogue, please complete our Legacy form.

Legacy Form

If you prefer to fill out a PDF version of this same form, please click HERE to access the file.

L’dor V’dor Honor Roll

Suzanne and Gary Alpert
Ruben Arquilevich and Vivien Braly
Lawrence Babow
Susan and John Barnes
Frank and Lee (z”l) Battat
Allan and Joanna Berland
Suzan Berns
Jeffry and Diane Bernstein
Ted and Sharon Block
David and Rosalind Bloom Charitable Remainder Trust
Judith Bloomberg and Michael Barnett
Len (z"l) and Patti Blumin
Dottie and Dick (z"l) Breiner
Suzanne and David (z”l) Broad
Martin (z”l) and Farron Brotman
Martin (z”l) and Geri Brownstein (z"l)
George and Susan Cohen
Joshua Davis and Jessica Nenner
Mary G. De May and Thomas Neylan
Marci and Marc Dollinger
Laurie Phillips Dubin
Judith Einbinder (z”l)
Robert and Lisa Epstein
Carole and Mark Friedlander
Amy R. Friedricks
Abe and Suzanne Froman
Claudette (z"l) and Richard (z"l) Greenblat
Joanne and Fred Greene
Mitchell and Antoinette Golbus
Bruce Gribens and Jing Yu
Edward and Kristine Grossman
Debbi Handler
Douglas and Carolen Herst
Val Hornstein and Cynthia Pepper (z”l) Family
Doreen and Manny Ishtam
Marilyn and Gerson (z”l) Jacobs
Christy and Ralph Jacobson
Jane and Arnold (z"l) Kahn
Michael Kamler and Pat Shiu
Marty and Beth Katz
Loren and Rachel Kertz
Martin Konopken and Richard Schneider
Barry and Janet Krantz
Robert and Karen Kustel
Tim and Diana Lang
Elliot and Barbara Lefferts
Harvey Lerchin and Betty Wood
Christopher and Rebecca Lien
Michael and Jeanne Lipson
Sarah Lowenthal
Jan and Jay Luxenberg
Barbara L. Merino
Gerri Miller
Evelyn Namm
Gail and Bruce Napell
Thomas Neylan and Mary De May
Raoul Stepakoff and Cindy Ostroff
Hali Croner and Eugene Palmer
Joyce Pavlovsky
Russell and Joni Pratt
The Press Family
Mary and David Rabb
Joyce and Garry (z”l) Rifkind
Len and Elssy Rifkind
Fred Ross-Perry
Lynn Roy
Sidney Sall and Deborah Gray
Sharon Sava Solomon
Joanne and Steven Saxe
Jay and Harriet Schnitzer
David and Susan Schwartz
Merv and Charlotte Shenson
Harriet and Hal Silen
Lynne M. Simon
Mrs. Frank Solomon, Jr.
David and Marcia Sperling
Gail W. Stern
Madelon Van Lier
Ann and John Wathen
Richard and Betty Jo Waxman
Jon and Pamela Welner
Barbara Wilkes
Jerald Young and Jane Grusby
Edward Zimmerman and Debi Geller
Harold and Mary Zlot

as of August 2024

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785