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One of the loveliest Shabbat and holiday service traditions we have at Congregation Rodef Sholom is extending our tallitot (prayer shawls) across the shoulders of our friends and loved ones during the Hashkiveinu blessing to create a collective tallit that connects each of us to our beloved spiritual community. This tradition, in fact, began at URJ Camp Newman’s Shabbat services where counselors extend their tallitot across a sea of campers- embracing them in a holy Shelter of Peace.
In our new Sanctuary, we’re taking this beautiful tradition and building it right into the architecture of our most sacred space. Photographic images of congregants’ tallitot will be collected and collaged into a digital “community quilt” by our architect.  The images will then be imprinted on resin panels that will adorn the interior walls of the Sanctuary, surrounding and holding the congregation in an enveloping nest of tallitot. This community quilt will include the images of the tallitot of our great-grandparents and newest b’nai mitzvot alike – l'dor v'dor (from generation to generation). Space will be left for panels to be added over time as the congregation grows, creating “living walls” where everyone in the community is represented.

Your invitation to participate:

We’d love for each and every community member to participate in this meaningful project that will shape and give character and meaning to our new Sanctuary. Please feel free to drop off your tallit to our temporary Rodef Sholom offices on the 2nd floor of the Osher Marin JCC and we’ll notify you when it is ready to be picked up. We will announce future photography dates to coincide with the 2024 opening of our new Sacred Space. When the panels are installed, a map will allow each member to easily identify where their tallit image is located within the Sanctuary. 

*If possible, please ensure that your tallit is as clean and wrinkle free as possible.

If you would like to participate but may need a tallit, you're welcome to stop by the Women of Rodef Sholom Gift Shop in the JCC Lobby. They have a wide selection of tallitot available for purchase. 


Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785