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Justice (Tzedek)

Congregation Rodef Sholom believes everyone entering our sacred space has the right to feel safe and respected, and that we are morally and ethically responsible for one another (kol yisrael areivim zeh bazeh).

  • We do not tolerate sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, written, or visual conduct of a sexual nature.
  • We do not tolerate acts or behaviors that exploit the vulnerability of another, take advantage of a power imbalance, compromise one’s moral integrity, or create an intimidating, offensive, abusive, or hostile environment.
  • We strive to protect those who appear to be the victims of abuse or neglect, including of spousal abuse, child abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and other types of domestic violence.
  • We encourage our congregants to refrain from actions which might upset others, including unwanted touching.
  • We encourage our congregants to report injustices if they observe them.
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785